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LATEST NEWS: One of our board members, Dr. Aysegul Timur, has just became the president of Florida Gulf Coast University. The Florida Board of Governors has confirmed Aysegul Timur as Florida Gulf Coast University’s fifth president. Professor Timur served as vice president and vice provost for strategy and program innovation at the university. (Read more..) |
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Following papers are accepted by the review board for journal and conference publication. The papers under review will be listed in this list after they are accepted. Non-accepted papers will not be listed in this list. If your paper is not listed here, please contact to journal editors at jaabc1@aol.com |
Entrepreneur: The Positive Side of Failing – Learning. Case Study - Company Dispute Resolution By Means of an Integrated Approach Involving Managerial Mentoring, Management Development Workshops, and Cross-Functional Team Projects. Why do Consumers Find a Two-Sided eWOM More Helpful: A Mediation Model of Consumer’s Attribution About the Reviewer The Impact of Illiquidity on Return-Order Imbalance Relation during Financial Crisis: Example from International Investment Banks. The Competitiveness of Urban Locations: Main Findings of a Literature Review. Textual Analysis of Corporate MD&As to Determine Readability. E N K T G A M I R - Marketing Model 101 For Non-Business Executives. Russian Agricultural Support Policies: The Case of Krasnodar Region. Do Auditors Protect Shareholders Against Financial Expropriation by Corporate Insiders? Internationalization of Family Firms: A Critical Review of Current Research and Possible Avenues for Further Studies. A New Paradigm: Creating a Different Kind of University. Forecasting U.S. Department of Defense Budget Levels. An Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) across Firms, Industries, and Regions. Strategic Implications of Governmental Policy Initiatives on the Electrical Vehicle Industry in China. Persuasiveness of Fit Between Imaginary Perspective and Advertising Appeal: Application of Affordance Cues. The Impact of Ambiguous Letter of Credit and Uniform Customs and Practice on International Trade. Sources of Motivation For Rectors and Vice-Rectors. Strategic Implications of Governmental Policy Initiatives on the Electrical Vehicle Industry in China. English Language Testing for International Students in Australia. An Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) across Firms, Industries, and Regions. Understanding Corporate Governance in The European Union: Comparative Analysis of Codes of Best Practices in the Selected Member States. Sources of Motivation for Rectors and Vice-Rectors. The Relationship Between Instruction Expenditures and Public High School Completion in Hawai‘i: A Case Study. Leading Organizations by the Values Journey Model of Adult Bio-Psycho-Social Behaviour. Gender Effect on Real Estate Pricing and Services Using Price-Quality Heuristics: Further Empirical Analysis. Observing the Impact of Engineering Curriculum on 6th Grade Students’ Attitudes Towards Engineering as they Engage in Building Electric Bikes. Understanding Influencers on Women in STEM – Specifically Engineering. An Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) across Firms, Industries, and Regions. Business/Accounting Course Design Preferences: Do Faculty and Students Agree? A modified approach to calculate Supernormal Growth Stock Prices: A Teaching Note. Purchase Effects and Consumer Happiness. Learning from WhatsApp’s Business Model: The World of Messaging Apps. Efficiency Changes in the Home and Community-based Services of Long-term Care in Taiwan. External Forces Driving the Growth of the Electrical Vehicle Market. Exploring the Key Competencies of Nurses that Matter for Hospital Human Resource Management in Taiwan. The Impact of Tohoku-Oki Earthquake on Tourism Share Prices of Taiwan. Strategic Implications of Governmental Policy Changes on the Electrical Vehicle Market in China. Turkish Banking Sector Capital Adequacy Interactions in the Process of Basel Regulations and Real Economic Growth. China’s Status in Global Developments and New Economic Power Centers. A Game Theory of International Investment: Competitive Interplay of Entry Timing and Foreign Ownership Decisions. Procedure vs. Concept in Accounting Education. Measurement of Disclosure Quality in Annual Reports – The Case of Czech and German Listed Companies. Independent Accountants' Benefits and Drawbacks of Artificial Intelligence Use. Collaborative Strategies in the Context of the Tourism Cluster in the Azores: A Qualitative Analysis. Profit Shifting Behavior and Corporate Tax Base Erosion through European Entities: The Case of the Czech Republic. Classification of Stock Market Price Change by Data Mining. Turkish Banking Sector Capital Adequacy Interactions in the Process of Basel Regulations and Real Economic Growth. IBM Pension Accounting Reexamined. What are the Primary Contributing Factors to Economic Development in a US Community? Physicians’ Intention to Leave Their Jobs: Validation of a New Model. Dividend Payout Ratio, Investment opportunities, and the Pecking Order Theory: Evidence from Taiwan. Economic Hardship on Multicultural Families Youths and HRD in Korea. The Impact of the Company's Market Timing on the Credibility of Repurchase Announcement. Contribution of Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets to Investor Returns in the U.S. and Canadian For-Profit Health Services Sector. Development and Validation of the Attitude Toward the Subject of Accounting Instrument (ASAI) and the Relationship between Attitude Toward the Subject of Accounting and Numeracy. Human Resource Motivation and Satisfaction in the Tourism Sector. The Cultural Heritage of Sao Miguel Island as a Valuable Tourism Product. Limitations of Finance Theory in Appraisal Litigation. The Challenge of International Politics and Legal Structures on Business. Prejudice in Internal Auditing in the Saudi Arabian Governmental Sector. Students’ Misconceptions of Statistics. An Analysis of Instruction Expenditures and Public High School Completion on Hawai‘i’s Big Island. Analysis of Regional Composition of Tourism Cluster In Portugal. The Influence of Accessibility and Attractiveness Factors on the Development of the Azores Tourism Cluster. Understanding Consumer Perception and Behavior of Smartphone Application. Training and Development Issues for Employees in Rural and Culturally Diverse Settings The Impact of Auditor Tenure on Audit Quality, Audit Fees, and Non-audit fees: Is Auditor Loyalty Paying Off After SOX? The Conception and Evaluation of the “Hard” and “Soft” Models of HRM. Demonstrate How HR Practices in the Key Practice Areas (Recruitment, Development, Rewards and Appraisal) Might Differ between an Organization Pursuing the “Hard” HRM Approach and Another Organization Pursuing the “Soft” HRM Approach. Perceived Learning from a Business Simulation: Does Gender Matter? Investigating if Multidisciplinary or Homogenous Teams Are More Innovative in a Higher Education Setting. Leadership For the Conduct of Employees; The Influence of Ethical Culture and Climate. Understanding Consumer Perception and Behavior of Smartphone Application. Analysis of Regional Composition of Tourism Cluster In Portugal . The Impact of Auditor Tenure on Audit Quality, Audit Fees, and Non-audit fees: Is Auditor Loyalty Paying Off After SOX? The Influence of Accessibility and Attractiveness Factors on the Development of the Azores Tourism Cluster. Limitations of Finance Theory in Appraisal Litigation. Development and Validation of the Attitude Toward the Subject of Accounting Instrument (ASAI) and the Relationship between Attitude Toward the Subject of Accounting and Numeracy. What are the Primary Contributing Factors to Economic Development in a US Community? Physicians’ Intention to Leave Their Jobs: Validation of a New Model. Dividend Payout Ratio, Investment opportunities, and the Pecking Order Theory: Evidence from Taiwan. What are the Primary Contributing Factors to Economic Development in a US Community? Contribution of Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets to Investor Returns in the U.S. and Canadian For-Profit Health Services Sector. Analysis of Regional Composition of Tourism Cluster In Portugal. Students’ Misconceptions of Statistics. Contribution of Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets to Investor Returns in the U.S. and Canadian For-Profit Health Services Sector. An Analysis of Instruction Expenditures and Public High School Completion on Hawai‘i’s Big Island. A Discussion on Socio-Economic Profitability as a Prerequisite for Investments in Security Measures. Interindustry Analysis of Healthcare in Taiwan. Sox Compliance: Where Are We Now? Return On Investment (ROI) for Evaluating Safety Measures. Review and Discussion. Revisiting Penrose Effect and Managerial Capability. A Study of Motivation and Personal Characteristics Among Haitian Entrepreneurs Facing “Obstacle” Variables in Small Business Arena. Profit Shifting Behavior: The Case of the Czech Republic for the Selected Industry Sectors. Blockchain and Accounting: Cryptocurrencies, Fraud and Regulation. Social Media and Tourism: A Literature Review. Creating Synergies in Cross-Border M&A: Case studies of Japanese Outbound Acquisitions. Sources of Motivation for Rectors and Vice-Rectors. Evaluating the Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty in the Restaurant Industry: A Canonical Correlation Approach Investigating Associations between Inward Direct Investment, Internal Resources, and Firms’ Financial Performance. The Analysis and Evaluation of Training Needs - Demonstrate How Training Needs of Different Categories of Workers will be Determined and Outline the Factors that will Influence the Approach. Interindustry Analysis of Healthcare in Taiwan. New Proxy For Stock Index Futures Markets Speculation Trading. Revisiting Penrose Effect and Managerial Capability. The Effect of Information Security Management Systems Implementation on Organizational Culture. Regulation and Bank Performance. The Relationship among Research Quotient, Firm Performance, and Biotechnology Industry. The Impact of the SEC’s Indecision Regarding IFRS Migration on the Readiness Efforts of U.S. Issuers and Accounting Faculty. Evolution of the Cluster Concept and its Application to Tourism. Process Capability Analysis for Left-Skewed Distributions with Negative Values. The Value of Creativity: Creativity as a Valuable Form of Symbolic Capital in Organizations. Dell Appraisal and the Business Judgement Rule. The Role of Volatility in Market Efficiency of Investment Banks During Financial Crisis. Do Increased Enforcement Procedures Increase State Tax Collections? Are Instruction Expenditures Cost-Effective in Improving High School Completion in Hawai‘i’s Maui District? The Correlation Between Florida’s Blood Alcohol Concentration Testing Laws in Motor Vehicle Traffic Accidents Resulting in Fatalities and Florida’s Total Number of Confirmed Alcohol-Related Traffic Fatalities Reported From 2000 – 2015. The Impact of the SEC’s Indecision Regarding IFRS Migration on the Readiness Efforts of U.S. Issuers and Accounting Faculty. Evolution of the Cluster Concept and its Application to Tourism. Chick-Fil-A Goes International. The Value of Creativity: Creativity as a Valuable Form of Symbolic Capital in Organizations. Public-Private Partnership Advantages. Dell Appraisal and the Business Judgement Rule. Developing Production Standards for Multitask/Multilocation Service Installers with Varying Levels of Experience: A Basic Theory. The Dark Triad of Personality: Impact upon Leadership and Employee Job Satisfaction. Women CPAs: Retention Remains a Challenge. The Impact of Liqudity on Corporate Bond Yield Spreads. Pygmalion Syndrome is Primary Cause of Misunderstanding the Duality Accounting Concept. ASEAN, the 50 Years old, successful Association and Hungary Prospects and Challenges in the Economic Relations, Focusing on Vietnam. Bank Credit, Trade Credit and Innovation. A Model of Organizational Justice. Possible Way to Internally Generated Intangible Assets Reporting. The Impacts of Safe Harbors on SMEs´ Performance and Other Economic Indicators. The Impact of Liqudity on Corporate Bond Yield Spreads. Independent Accountant’s Issues with Recent Reporting Regulations. Women CPAs: Retention Remains a Challenge. The Difference between Consumer Needs and Wants: Based on the Store Proximity between Haagen-Dazs and Starbucks. A Comparison of the Service Quality of Operate-Transfer Swimming Pools. Global Disruption and E-Government. Reverse Mortgage in Korea. Analyzing Customer Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction from Online Reviews. New Regulations Address Self-Employment Tax Treatment of Partners in a Partnership Owning a Disregarded Entity. An Entrepreneurial Innovation Model for Competitive Advantage: Logistics Business Case Studies. Citizen Satisfaction from Local Government: Assessment in a Greek Municipality. Credibility and Consumer Trust: The Keys to Mobile Advertising Success. Influence of Governmental Policies on Global Market Entrance Strategy: A Multiple Case Study. Exploring Relationship in-between the Acquired Education and Current Job Scenario for the Employees in the Public Sector, State of Kuwait. Distributive Justice as an Alternative Predictor of Satisfaction with Pay in a Period of Crisis. The Case of the Greek Public Sector. The Impact of Information and Communication Technology on Terrorism and Internal Conflict in Northern Africa and the Middle East. The Gears of Investment in Education: An Econometric Analysis on the Impact of Growth, Economic, and Education Indicators on Public Education Expenditure in Developed and Developing Economies. Tax Fraud Remains Steady. Succession Planning in a Religious Association: Preliminary Findings and Analyses. The Ambiguous Duty of Corporate Directors. The Influence of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect Policy on Market Efficiency of A Shares and H Shares. Entrepreneurial Small Business of Third Party Logistics Providers. Influence of a Company’s Dynamic Capabilities on the Innovation of Its Corporate Business Model. Perceptions of Quality Between Online Programs Offered at Traditional Versus Online Universities. Business Cycles and Sector Investing – A Sector Rotation Approach. Efficient ODA Policy for Asian Developing Countries in Korea. Lean Philosophy in Healthcare. Evaluating the Cost-Effectiveness of Instruction Expenditures on Kauai’s Public High School Completion. Optimizing International Teams’ Effectiveness by Building Trust. The Integration of Management Practices and Organizational Structure into Student Group Projects. An Analysis of Best Practices of Cooperative Education in the U.S. With The Purpose of Addressing Various Armenian Engineering Education Problems, Group-level Reward Allocation: Factors Affecting Distributive Justice Criteria Preference. Understanding Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Behaviors of Tourism Organizations. A Class Project That Discourages Compartmentalization Among Disciplines. How Idol Admiration Affects Audience's Willingness to Watch Broadcasts of Japanese Professional Baseball Games: A Case Study of Taiwanese Baseball Players in Japan. Traditional and Emerging Variables Impacting Saudi Arabia’s Marketing. Teaching Economics, In-class versus Online Effectiveness. Effect of Deferred Tax Reporting – Case of Publicly Traded Companies in Czech Republic. One Should Never Assume: The Limitations of Recovering Attorney’s Fees in Texas. Engaged Student Learning in Social Entrepreneurship: A Nonprofit Experiential Exercise Supporting AACSB Standards. Texas Versus the EPA: The Showdown at the No Way Corral. The Impact on Firm Value of LIFO Adoptions Revisited. Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Organic Growth within Vertical Software Firms. Evaluation of Questionnaire for Transfer Pricing Issue of SMEs in Europe. Mitigating Risk from Railcar Bearing Failures: A Predictive Model for Identifying Failures. Building Trust and Agreement in Negotiations. Monitoring and Accelerating Structural Change via Exports: A Capability Based Approach for Turkey. A Game Theoretical Analysis of the Equality of Cross-Regional Public Resources and Environment. United States Remains Greedy for Taxes. Analytics for Investment Decision: An Empirical Study of Less Diversified Portfolios. An Iterated Variable Neighborhood Search Algorithm for a Single-Machine Scheduling Problem with Periodic Maintenance and Sequence-Dependent Setup Times. Capital Market Integration.Corporate Governance and Firm Financial Performance: The Effects on Security Returns of Listed Companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Corporate Governance and Firm Financial Performance: The Effects on Security Returns of Listed Companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Legal Professional Privilege and the Australian in-house Lawyer: A Review of the Current Law. The Road to Biculturalism within United States Businesses. The Impact of Control Variables on the Interrelation between Passenger Loyalty Programs and Airline Customer Retention. Singapore’s Dominance in the Aviation Industry in South East Asia. Defining The Market: Performance Measurement For Management Forecasting. A New Heuristic Optimization: Search and Rescue Algorithm. Some thoughts on Business Rules. Examining the Interest Rate Parity between U.S. and Japan.Creativity in Technology – Are Technology Startup’s More Creative than Large Technological Firms? What Economic and Social Factors Affect GDP Per Capita? A Study on 40 Countries. Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs) Based on Decomposition: A Promising Area of Artificial Intelligence. The Financial Characteristics of Firms that Have Changed Their Pension Plans. Reengineering Culture as a Way to Address the Economic Disparity Among Native Hawaiians. An Empirical Study on The Consumer Price-Perceived Quality Heuristic on Real Estate Pricing and Services. Profitability of Traditional Banking in Croatia. How to Developed Online Trust Relationships with Customers through Social Skill in Airline Service. An Analysis on the Factors Affecting the World Gold Prices. Housing Finance Based On Lease Certificates and The Case of Turkey. Family Business Definitions and Differentiation from Entrepreneurship. A Case Study: The Economy Index as a Metric of Success of Eighteen Arkansas Cities. A Replication of the 2008 U.S. National Report Card Study on Women in Firefighting. Predicting Innovation Ability by Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions. Promote Undergraduate Students’ Research Experience through the U.S. – China Collaborative REU Program Active Learning Strategies in Accounting. The Association between Corporate Social Responsibilities Disclosure and Ownership Structure: An Empirical Study on Companies listed in ASE. The Role of Intuition in Strategic Decision Making in Croatian Companies. Twenty Ethical Competencies for Surviving Organizational Politics. The Comparison and Evolution of International Corporate Governance Models. An Approach for Integrating Accounting and Marketing in a Project for a Graduate Management Course. The Impact of ICT on e-Government. Exploring Succession Planning And Insider-Outsider Issues In A Religious Alliance. IFRS for SMEs: Is Amendment to IAS 16 – Bearer Plants suitable for SMEs? Open Innovation Platform in a Smart City: Empirical Results. Reducing Stock Risk with Hedge Funds. Bitcoin and Crypto Currencies. Unintended Consequences of Dodd Frank Act When Shadow Banking Creates A Moral Hazard. The Potential Impact of FASB’s Proposed Changes to the Statement of Cash Flows. Reclassifications For More Meaningful Presentations Of Cash Flows. Customer Learning Capability of Event Management Businesses in Thailand: An Empirical Investigation of the Antecedents and Consequences. Strategic Brand Orientation and Marketing Survival: An Empirical Investigation of Cosmetic Businesses in Thailand. Re-launching of CCCTB Project in the EU: Moving from CCCTB towards CCTB. Strategy Fitness and the Performance of Taiwanese MNCs. Audit Excellence Orientation and Audit Survival: Empirical Evidence from Tax Auditors in Thailand. The Internal Audit Professionalism Orientation and Firm Goal Achievement: An Empirical Assessment of Auto Parts Businesses in Thailand. Internal Audit Process Excellence and Decision Making Success: An Empirical Investigation of ISO 9001 Businesses in Thailand. Audit Committee Competency and Goal Achievement: Empirical Evidence from Thai-Listed Firms. Technology-Based Audit Competency and Audit Outcome: An Empirical Investigation of Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) in Thailand. Management Accounting Responsibility and Firm Value: Evidence from Exporting Furniture Businesses in Thailand. Effects of Professional Citizenship Behavior on Audit Success of Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) in Thailand. Audit Professional Well-Roundedness and Audit Success: An Empirical Investigation of Certified Public Accountants in Thailand. Audit Morality Commitment and Audit Survival: An Empirical Research of Tax Auditors in Thailand. Accounting Emotional Intelligence and Professional Survival: Evidence from Bookkeepers in the Northeastern of Thailand. Audit Review Proficiency and Audit Goal Achievement: Evidence from Tax Auditors (TAs) in Thailand. The Role of Strategic Marketing Flexibility as Dynamic Capability and Marketing Survival. Internal Audit Creativity Strategy and Firm Performance: An Empirical Investigation of Exporting Gem and Jewelry Businesses in Thailand. Professional Accounting Practice Orientation and Firm Goal Achievement: Evidence from SMEs in Thailand. A Preliminary Study on the Role of Risk Perception in Electronic Commerce Systems Adoption. Think Tank Comparisons: Lessons Learned at a For Profit University and Applied in a Corporate Setting. The Wealth Effects of Stock Certificate Dematerialization. The Leadership Challenge: Caribbean-American Leaders in United. An Empirical Study on The Consumer Price-Perceived Quality Heuristic on The Hotel Industry. Glace Luxury Ice Co. Using the Indicator-Based Evolutionary Algorithm (IBEA) for Finding the Efficient Frontier in the Presence of the Typical Portfolio Selection Constraints. Bottom of the Pyramid and the Role of the Business Schools. Russian Oil and Gas: Global Impacts and Trends. Development of a Graduate-Level Information Systems Quality Course. Over-the-Counter Bonds and the Stock Price Response to Earnings Announcements. Complexity In Equity Markets. Using Newton’s Method to Compute Bond Yields in ExamView. Bottom of the Pyramid and the Role of the Business Schools. Persistence, Resilience, Renewal – A tale of three firms. Brand Loyalty and Brand Trust: A Case Study on Consumer Preferences. The Relation Between Lessons Learned and the Development of Intelligence Culture in an Organization. Current Developments in Legal Professional Privilege: Perspectives from Australia. Conditional Risk-return Relationship. Analysis of Cultural Tourists’ Motive and Loyalty to Traveling Destinations; The Case Study of A Literature Museum. The Effects of Board and Shareholders Structure and Earnings Quality on Security Returns of Listed Companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Does the Fire Station have a Glass Ceiling? Perceptions of Female Firefighters. Ireland Maintains Business Allure. Management As A Moderating Variable in the Causes and Effects of Construction Delays. Organizational Management Flexibility and Goal Achievement of Electrical Appliance and Electronic Parts Businesses in Thailand. Organizational Creativity Capability And Firm Performance: Evidence From Software Businesses in Thailand. Service Innovation Capability of Tour Operator Businesses in Thailand. Banking Sector in Poland: Stability over the Crisis. Self-Leadership: Guiding Principles for Adaptive Leaders and Organizations. Are Women Treated Fairly in the U.S. and European Markets? FDI and Its Impact on Developing Markets. Cost of Capital and Price of Banking Intermediation in Croatia. Social Media Behavior and Influence on University Students in Lebanon. Perceived Product Quality and Soft Drink Brand Loyalty in the Lebanese Market. Social Marketing Strategy and Sustainable Marketing Success: An Empirical Investigation of ISO 14001 Manufacturing Businesses in Thailand. Service Creativity Strategy and Business Performance: Empirical Investigation of Boutique Hotel Businesses in Thailand. Audit Practice Transparency and Audit Survival: An Empirical investigation of Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) in Thailand. Internal Audit Transparency and Firm Goal Achiement: An Investigation of Financial Businesses in Thailand. Consumer’s Achieving Styles (ASI) Similar to the Brand’s Achieving Styles (OASI) in a High Involvement, Relational Exchange within an Academic Setting. Strategic Learning Management Orientation and Firm Sustainability: An Empirical Investigation of Auto Parts Businesses in Thailand. Human Resource Diversity Management Capability and Firm Survival: Empirical Evidence from Hotel Businesses in Thailand. Strategic Managerial Accounting Capability for Sustainable Goal Achievement: Empirical Evidence from ISO9001 Manufacturing Firms in Thailand. Strategic Audit Professional Commitment and Audit Survival: An Empirical Research of Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) in Thailand. Organizational Renewal Capability and Firm Sustainability: An Empirical investigation of Chemical and Chemical Products Businesses in Thailand. Comprehensive Audit Planning Proficiency and Sustainable Audit Success: An Empirical Research of Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) in Thailand. Does Increases in Leadership Expenditures Influence Native Hawaiian Public School Completion? Countering Moral Muteness through Dialogue, Good Moral Conversation, and Conversational Learning. Becoming A Certified Public Accountant: Examination, Licensure & Continuing Professional Education. Would You Bet Your Savings on Today’s Best Analyst? A Re-examination of Analysts’ Earnings Forecast Accuracy Persistence. Issuing Firm Valuations Pre- and Post-IPO: Which Risk Component Matters? A Rough Road to Success - Hong Kong Disneyland. The Effect of Gender and Attachment on Forms of Workplace Bullying. Do University Outcomes Measure Up: An Australian Case Study? Corporate Investment: Growth or Mispricing? Characteristics of Real Backdators. Supply Chain Management Education Using ERP Software: A Simulation-Based Approach Using SAP ERP-Sim. Sub-Prime and Global Origins of Euro Sovereign Crisis. Foreign Exchange Volatility and Yields Movements in Eurozone. Internal Audit Knowledge Management Proficiency and Internal Audit Success: An Empirical Investigation of Corporate Governance Awarded Firms in Thailand. Proactive Internal Control System and Firm Success: An Empirical Investigation of Electrical Appliances and Electronic Parts Businesses in Thailand. The process of European Direct Tax Harmonization. Halliburton and Efficient Market Theory. Systems Theory and Unintended Consequences of Government- Motivated Currency Wars: A Multiple Case Study. Research and Development Effects on Company Dynamic Capabilities. Regional Economic Development Models of Automotive Centers in the Southern German states: Neckarsulm and Sindelfingen. Regional Economic Development Models of Automotive Centers in the France: Rennes and Poissy. The Impact of Information Asymmetry and Dispersion of Opinion on Stealth Trading Around Earning Announcements. The Impact of Board Financial Expertise and Education on Corporate Derivatives Using. Internal Audit Excellence Orientation and Firm Survival. Accounting Well-Roundedness Competency and Professional Success: Evidence from Bookkeepers in Thailand. Cost Allocation Effectiveness and Organizational Survival: An Empirical Assessment of Textile Manufacturing Businesses in Thailand. Performance Evaluation System Competency and Firm Survival: Empirical Evidence from Cosmetic Businesses in Thailand. Modern Computerized Accounting Knowledge and Job Performance of Accounting in the Thai-Listed Firms. Electronic Medical Records, Patient Privacy and Deployment of Healthcare Systems on Cloud Resources: Analysis of the Legal, Business and Technological Aspects. Strategic Marketing Creativity and Marketing Profitability: Empirical Investigation from Information and Communication Technology Businesses in Thailand. Factors Affecting the SMEs in Agribusiness in the Northeastern Region of Thailand How to Analyse Automotive Industry Centres? - A Potential Methodological Model. Measurement of Local Entrepreneur Sector’s Expectations Concerning Research Institutions. Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis Using Different Probability Distributions. Social Media Behavior and Influence on University Students in Lebanon. Perceived Product Quality and Soft Drink Brand Loyalty in the Lebanese Market. HR Challenges for Safeguarding Employee Privacy Rights In The Private Sector Workplace. Service Perceptions of Social Networking Sites: A Comparison of Saudi and Indian users. Assessing the Consumers’ Propensity for Online Shopping: A Demographic Perspective. Sports Sponsorship: An Effective Tool for Marketing Strategies. Exploring Business Development. Impact of Sarbanes-Oxley and White-Collar Crime Penalty Enhancement Acts of 2002 on Corporate Fraud Sentencing. Exploring Perceived Product Knowledge, Credibility, and Attractiveness of Celebrity Endorsers on Influencing Teen Purchase Intentions. The Diameter and Company Profitability: An Experiment in Network Evolution. Human Resources Management Model oriented to the Sustainability of Family Businesses - A proposal from the comparison between Italy and Colombia. An Examination of the Impact of Social Isolation in the Workplace. The Investigation of the Influence of Service Quality Toward Customer Engagement in Service Dominant Industries in Thailand. Empirical Investigation of the Market Reactions to the SEO in Korean Stock Market. The Moderating Role of corporate image on the Impact of Service Guarantee on Service Recovery Effect. The Effect of Conservatism in Current Earnings’ Ability to Predict Future Cash Flows vs Future Earnings: Empirical Study of Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange. A Country’s Competitiveness Evaluation using DEA-SVM Approach. Corruption and Multi-National Corporations: A Conceptual Model. An Assessment of the Relationship Between Organizational Culture and Organizational Reputation: The Example of Hospital Management. An Investigation of the Innovation Performance of Ownership Types in China. Distribution Practices of Women’s Promotion Groups in Senegal: A Role for Marketing. |
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